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The Scripters Guild is a Discord community dedicated to user-generated content in video games and game development in general, with a primary focus on Halo's Forge tool. It offers a platform for members to learn, collaborate, and share their knowledge. The Discord provides dedicated spaces for sharing work, discussing ideas, asking questions, reporting bugs, and contributing to wikis.
The core of The Scripter's Guild community operates in their Discord server. Members of The Scripter's Guild community help each other on the Discord server and are discovering new things about Halo daily.
From Captain Punch:
From the release of Halo 5’s Forge, I worked with a group called Creative Force doing Forge R&D and making content targeted both for community consumption and/or for inclusion in matchmaking. We were quite successful, establishing ourselves as a proof-of-concept enclave of close knit Designers all contributing what we can to each others' projects.
As H5 Scripting grew in complexity, my R&D began to focus on it and we began to see people networking with us for assistance with Scripting rather than just for level design. I had wanted to expand CF to bring in members who were interested in working more deeply with Scripting, but this ended up not working out. I resolved that, if it were to happen, it would be more loosely knit and less under the direction of anyone in particular, but rather administered towards producing the best environment for sorting this beast out and helping others do the same.
TSG was founded in August 2016, after postings on ForgeHub expressing support for the concept started showing up. At first, there was still a heavy affiliation with CF, as I was eventually at the helm until life had stripped enough members to make projects untenable. A lot of our initial information pool and momentum came from the effort put in during the period before the server was created and I’m not sure it would have succeeded without it.
In it's early days, TSG members were responsible for many enhancements to content for Halo 5 matchmaking, including:
Mythic KotH, Assymetric 1 Flag CTF for BTB
Pig of the Hill, and Roaming King modes
Systems for weather volumes with excluded interiors
Static spawn timers for weapons, as well as a myriad of other creations.
In more recent times with Halo Infinite, some notable creations are:
Object prefab platforms that help forgers set up gameplay and mode objects on their map correctly, which have been used on a large number of community maps in matchmaking
Various scripting features on matchmaking maps such as the sphincter door on the Isolation remake and all the scripting on Smallhalla
Latchkey: A structured scenarios framework that can be used to create campaign, invasion and warzone-like experiences
TSG modes: Various, fully scripted gamemodes that don't have a built-in variant in Halo Infinite such as Headhunter and Conquest.
The server has grown far beyond what I ever thought it would, with members being brought on for projects with 343’s community team to make sure things work correctly, to make scripted features for planned modes (WeatherOrNot/StaticWeaponTimers), and to outright build modes for matchmaking (1 Flag Atk/Def CTF), a few of which weren’t even known to be possible when they were taken on.
Thanks to AddiCt3d 2CHa0s, Agent ZeroBS, Exterestr1al, Noykard, Randy 355, Ray Benefield, Sn1p3r_C, Yumudas Beegbut, the rest of our TSG veterans and Journeyman, and the Forge team for their support over the years &#xNAN;She’s a good ship. Keep treating her well and she’ll be seaworthy for years to come. Welcome to it. - Captain Punch (Admin)
Captain Punch Okom
To discover more great content produced by TSG members and the Halo community at large, see the section.
Information about what The Scripter's Guild is and how it came to be.