Action Nodes
Spawn Object
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object To Spawn
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object To Spawn dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects
Reset Object
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object To Reset
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object To Reset dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Reset Position dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
pinId: Reset Rotation dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
pinId: Reset Velocity dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects_Transform
Set Object Team To Neutral
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object To Set To Neutral
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object To Set To Neutral dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects
Delete Object
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object To Delete
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object To Delete dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects
Damage Object
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object To Damage Damage Amount
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object To Damage dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Damage Amount dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0 MaxRange: 1000 Step: 0.5
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects
Set Object Health Percentage
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object Percentage
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Percentage dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 1 MaxRange: 100 Step: 0.5
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects
Set Object Health Absolute
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object Health Amount
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Health Amount dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 1 MaxRange: 1000 Step: 0.5
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects
Set Object Position
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object To Move Position
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object To Move dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Position dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
pinId: Is Relative Position dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: false
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects_Transform
Set Object Velocity
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object To Move Velocity
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object To Move dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Velocity dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
pinId: Is Relative dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: false
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects_Transform
Set Object Rotation
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object To Move Rotation
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object To Move dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Rotation dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
pinId: Is Relative dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: false
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects_Transform
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object To Move Angular Velocity
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object To Move dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Angular Velocity dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
pinId: Is Relative dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: false
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects_Transform
Start Object Audio Loop
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object Sound Tag
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Is Enemy Sound dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
pinId: Is Ally Sound dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
properties: propertyName: Sound Tag dataType: tag
Editor Settings
TagType: sound_looping
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Audio
Stop Object Audio Loop
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Stop Ally Sound dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
pinId: Stop Enemy Sound dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Audio
Play Audio For All Players
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Position
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Position dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute properties: propertyName: Sound Tag dataType: tag
Editor Settings
TagType: sound_response settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
Node Category: Audio
Play Audio For Players On Team
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Team Position
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Team dataType: team
Editor Settings
pinId: Position dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute properties: propertyName: Sound Tag dataType: tag
Editor Settings
TagType: sound_response settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
Node Category: Audio
Play Audio For Players Not On Team
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Team Position
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Team dataType: team
Editor Settings
pinId: Position dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute properties: propertyName: Sound Tag dataType: tag
Editor Settings
TagType: sound_response settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
Node Category: Audio
Branch General
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Condition
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Condition dataType: bool
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: Execute If True dataType: execute
Editor Settings
pinId: Execute If False dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Editor Settings
Node Category: Logic
For Each Object
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Objects
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Objects dataType: object_list
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: On Loop Complete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
pinId: Execute Per Object dataType: execute
Editor Settings
pinId: Current Object dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Current Index dataType: number
Editor Settings
Editor Settings
Node Category: Logic
For Each Player
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Objects
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Objects dataType: object_list
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: On Loop Complete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
pinId: Execute Per Player dataType: execute
Editor Settings
pinId: Current Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Current Index dataType: number
Editor Settings
Editor Settings
Node Category: Logic
For Each Bot
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Objects
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Objects dataType: object_list
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: On Loop Complete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
pinId: Execute Per Bot dataType: execute
Editor Settings
pinId: Current Bot dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Current Index dataType: number
Editor Settings
Editor Settings
Node Category: Logic
For N Iterations
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Iteration Count
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Iteration Count dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0 Step: 1
Output Pins
pinId: On Loop Complete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
pinId: Execute Iteration dataType: execute
Editor Settings
pinId: Current Iteration dataType: number
Editor Settings
Editor Settings
Node Category: Logic
Trigger Custom Event
Node Rules
ruleID: ValidUserIdentifier IdentifierKey: Identifier DeclarationNodeType: On Custom Event ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Identifier
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Identifier dataType: identifier
Editor Settings
pinId: Object dataType: object settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
pinId: Number dataType: number settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
pinId: Object List dataType: object_list settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Events_Custom
Trigger Custom Event Global
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Identifier
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Identifier dataType: identifier
Editor Settings
pinId: Object dataType: object settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
pinId: Number dataType: number settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
pinId: Object List dataType: object_list settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Events_Custom
Trigger Custom Event Global Async
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Identifier
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Identifier dataType: identifier
Editor Settings
pinId: Object dataType: object settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
pinId: Number dataType: number settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
pinId: Object List dataType: object_list settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Events_Custom
Set Slayer Score Per Kill
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Slayer Team Score Player Score
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Slayer dataType: mode_slayer
Editor Settings
pinId: Team Score dataType: number
Editor Settings
pinId: Player Score dataType: number
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Set Slayer Score Per Assist
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Slayer Team Score Player Score
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Slayer dataType: mode_slayer
Editor Settings
pinId: Team Score dataType: number
Editor Settings
pinId: Player Score dataType: number
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Set Slayer Suicide Penalty
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Slayer Team Penalty Player Penalty
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Slayer dataType: mode_slayer
Editor Settings
pinId: Team Penalty dataType: number
Editor Settings
pinId: Player Penalty dataType: number
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Set Slayer Teamkill Penalty
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Slayer Team Penalty Player Penalty
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Slayer dataType: mode_slayer
Editor Settings
pinId: Team Penalty dataType: number
Editor Settings
pinId: Player Penalty dataType: number
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Set NavMarker Icon
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: NavMarker IconIndex
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: NavMarker dataType: nav_marker
Editor Settings
pinId: IconIndex dataType: nav_marker_icon
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: UI_Nav_Markers
Set NavMarker Text
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: NavMarker String
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: NavMarker dataType: nav_marker
Editor Settings
pinId: String dataType: string_id
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: UI_Nav_Markers
Attach NavMarker To Object
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: NavMarker Object Offset
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: NavMarker dataType: nav_marker
Editor Settings
pinId: Object dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Offset dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: UI_Nav_Markers
Set NavMarker Position
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: NavMarker Position
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: NavMarker dataType: nav_marker
Editor Settings
pinId: Position dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: UI_Nav_Markers
Set NavMarker Enabled
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: NavMarker
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: NavMarker dataType: nav_marker
Editor Settings
pinId: Enabled dataType: bool
Editor Settings
settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: UI_Nav_Markers
Set NavMarker Team Visibility
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: NavMarker Team IsNegate
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: NavMarker dataType: nav_marker
Editor Settings
pinId: Team dataType: team
Editor Settings
pinId: IsNegate dataType: bool
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: UI_Nav_Markers
Set NavMarker Team
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: NavMarker Team
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: NavMarker dataType: nav_marker
Editor Settings
pinId: Team dataType: team
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: UI_Nav_Markers
Clear NavMarker Team
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: NavMarker
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: NavMarker dataType: nav_marker
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: UI_Nav_Markers
Teleport Player
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Position
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Position dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
pinId: Teleport Player's Vehicle dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Players
Set Player Camo
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Duration in Seconds
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Duration in Seconds dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0 MaxRange: 20
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Players
Set Player Team
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Team
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Team dataType: team
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Players
Adjust Player Grenades
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Grenade Type Grenade Count
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Grenade Type dataType: grenade_type
Editor Settings
pinId: Grenade Count dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: -99 MaxRange: 99 Step: 1.0
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory_Equipment
Refill Default Grenades
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory_Equipment
Empty Player Grenades
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory_Equipment
Empty Player Ammo
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory
Refill Player Ammo
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory
Add Player Ammo - Primary
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Refill Percent
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Refill Percent dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0.0 MaxRange: 100 Step: 1
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory
Add Player Ammo - Secondary
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Refill Percent
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Refill Percent dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0 MaxRange: 100 Step: 1
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory
Give Player New Weapon
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Weapon Type Weapon Addition Method
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Weapon Type dataType: weapon_type
Editor Settings
pinId: Weapon Addition Method dataType: weapon_addition_method
Editor Settings
pinId: Wait Until Completion dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory
Give Player Specific Weapon General
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Weapon Weapon Addition Method
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Weapon dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Weapon Addition Method dataType: weapon_addition_method
Editor Settings
pinId: Wait Until Completion dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory
Switch to First Weapon of Type
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Weapon Type
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Weapon Type dataType: weapon_type
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory
Drop Specific Weapon General
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Weapon
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Weapon dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory
Drop Weapon of Type General
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Unit Weapon Type
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Unit dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Weapon Type dataType: weapon_type
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory\
nodeVersionRule: ruleID: NodeVersionRuleUpdatePinProperty nodeOperations: operation: Rename\
pinId: Player data: Unit
Wait For N Seconds Gameplay
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Seconds
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Seconds dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Logic
Set Vehicle Enterable By Player
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Vehicle
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Vehicle dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Enterable By Player dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Vehicles
Print Boolean To Killfeed
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Boolean
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Boolean dataType: bool
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Debug
Print Number To Killfeed
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Number
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Number dataType: number
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Debug
Print Player To Killfeed
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Debug
Print Team To Killfeed
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Team
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Team dataType: team
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Debug
Print Vector3 To Killfeed
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Vector
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Vector dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Debug
Print Control State To Killfeed
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Control State
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Control State dataType: generic_zone_control_state
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Debug
Empty Player Equipment
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory_Equipment
Refill Player Equipment
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory_Equipment
Attempt to Enter Vehicle
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Unit Vehicle
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Unit dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Vehicle dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Preferred Seat dataType: seat_type settings: defaultValue: String: Any
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Vehicles\
nodeVersionRule: ruleID: NodeVersionRuleUpdatePinProperty nodeOperations: operation: Rename\
pinId: Player data: Unit operation: Add\
pinId: Preferred Seat
Kick Player From Vehicle
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Vehicles
Kick Unit From Vehicle
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Unit
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Unit dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Vehicles
Clear Splash for All Players
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Clear Splash for Player
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: UI
Push Splash to All Players
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Message
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Duration in Seconds dataType: number settings: defaultValue: Float: 5
Editor Settings
MinRange: 2.5
pinId: Message dataType: ui_message
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Push Splash to Player
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Message
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Duration in Seconds dataType: number settings: defaultValue: Float: 5
Editor Settings
MinRange: 2.5
pinId: Message dataType: ui_message
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: UI
Push Splash to Team
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Team Message
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Team dataType: team
Editor Settings
pinId: Duration in Seconds dataType: number settings: defaultValue: Float: 5
Editor Settings
MinRange: 2.5
pinId: Message dataType: ui_message
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Update Objective Banner for Player
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Enabled
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Enabled dataType: bool
Editor Settings
pinId: Message dataType: ui_message
Editor Settings
settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: UI
Set Spawn In Vehicle For All Players
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Enabled Vehicle Type
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Enabled dataType: bool
Editor Settings
pinId: Vehicle Type dataType: vehicle_type
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Vehicles
Set Spawn In Vehicle For Player
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Enabled Player Vehicle Type
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Enabled dataType: bool
Editor Settings
pinId: Vehicle Type dataType: vehicle_type
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Vehicles
Set Spawn In Vehicle For Team
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Enabled Team Vehicle Type
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Team dataType: team
Editor Settings
pinId: Enabled dataType: bool
Editor Settings
pinId: Vehicle Type dataType: vehicle_type
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Flip Vehicle
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Vehicle
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Vehicle dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Vehicles
Scale and Destroy Vehicle
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Vehicle Duration in Seconds
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Vehicle dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Duration in Seconds dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Vehicles
Set Loadout Weapons For All Players
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Primary Weapon Type Secondary Weapon Type Apply Immediately
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Primary Weapon Type dataType: weapon_type
Editor Settings
pinId: Secondary Weapon Type dataType: weapon_type
Editor Settings
pinId: Apply Immediately dataType: bool
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Set Loadout Weapons For Player
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Primary Weapon Type Secondary Weapon Type Apply Immediately
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Primary Weapon Type dataType: weapon_type
Editor Settings
pinId: Secondary Weapon Type dataType: weapon_type
Editor Settings
pinId: Apply Immediately dataType: bool
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Set Loadout Weapons For Team
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Team Primary Weapon Type Secondary Weapon Type Apply Immediately
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Team dataType: team
Editor Settings
pinId: Primary Weapon Type dataType: weapon_type
Editor Settings
pinId: Secondary Weapon Type dataType: weapon_type
Editor Settings
pinId: Apply Immediately dataType: bool
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Clear Loadout Weapons For All Players
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Apply Immediately
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Apply Immediately dataType: bool
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Clear Loadout Weapons For Player
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Apply Immediately
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Apply Immediately dataType: bool
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Clear Loadout Weapons For Team
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Team Apply Immediately
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Team dataType: team
Editor Settings
pinId: Apply Immediately dataType: bool
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Override Loadouts For All Players
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Override Loadouts For Player
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Override Loadouts For Team
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Team
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Team dataType: team
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Give Player New Equipment
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Equipment Type
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Equipment Type dataType: equipment_type
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory_Equipment
Adjust Player Equipment Charges
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Charge Count
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Charge Count dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: -99 MaxRange: 99 Step: 1.0
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory_Equipment
Set Player Equipment Charges
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Charge Count
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Charge Count dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0 MaxRange: 99 Step: 1.0
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory_Equipment
Set Player FFA Allegiance
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Team
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Team dataType: team
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Players
Set Respawn Penalty
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Penalty Seconds
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Penalty Seconds dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0 Step: 1
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Players
Set Spawn Point Enabled
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Spawn Point
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Spawn Point dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Enabled dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects
Block Player Respawns
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Respawn Message
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Respawn Message dataType: respawn_message
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Players
Unblock Respawns for Player
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Players
Add Bot Ambition To Object
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Target Object Bot Ambition
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Target Object dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Bot Ambition dataType: forge_bot_ambition
Editor Settings
pinId: Team dataType: team settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Remove Bot Ambitions From Object
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Target Object
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Target Object dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Only Specific Ambition Type dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
pinId: Ambition Type dataType: bot_ambition_type settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Add Bot To Match
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Bot Difficulty
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Bot Difficulty dataType: bot_difficulty
Editor Settings
pinId: Team dataType: team settings: defaultValue: String: nil
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Bots
Remove All Bots From Match
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Bots
Remove Specific Bot From Match
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Bot Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Bot Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Bots
Set Player Mark Override
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player Override Enabled
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Override Enabled dataType: bool
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Players
Translate Object To Point
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object Position Duration in Seconds
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Position dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
pinId: Duration in Seconds dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0
pinId: Movement Curve dataType: curve_built_in settings: defaultValue: String: CURVE_BUILT_IN.None
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects_Transform
Rotate Object To Point
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object Rotation Duration in Seconds
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Rotation dataType: vector3
Editor Settings
pinId: Duration in Seconds dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0
pinId: Movement Curve dataType: curve_built_in settings: defaultValue: String: CURVE_BUILT_IN.None
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects_Transform
Move Object To Transform
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Object Destination Object Duration in Seconds Movement Curve
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Object dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Destination Object dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Duration in Seconds dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0
pinId: Movement Curve dataType: curve_built_in
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Objects_Transform
Set Player Weapons Lowered
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Player
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Player dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Enabled dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: true
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Inventory
Set Weapon Total Rounds
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Weapon Rounds
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Weapon dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Rounds dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0 Step: 1
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Set Weapon Magazine Ammo
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Weapon Magazine Rounds
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Weapon dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Magazine Rounds dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0 Step: 1
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Set Weapons Reserve Ammo
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Weapon Percent
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Weapon dataType: object
Editor Settings
pinId: Percent dataType: number
Editor Settings
MinRange: 0 MaxRange: 100 Step: 1
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Unused
Register Audio Zone
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Monitor Audio Zone Effect
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Monitor dataType: area_monitor
Editor Settings
pinId: Audio Zone Effect dataType: forge_audio_zone_effect
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Audio
Unregister Audio Zone
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Monitor
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Monitor dataType: area_monitor
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Audio
Activate Generic Zone
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Zone
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Zone dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Generic_Objectives
Deactivate Generic Zone
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Zone
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Zone dataType: object
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Generic_Objectives
Create Stopwatch
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Identifier
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Identifier dataType: identifier
Editor Settings
pinId: Start Immediately dataType: bool settings: defaultValue: Bool: false
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Stopwatches
Start Stopwatch
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Identifier
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Identifier dataType: identifier
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Stopwatches
Restart Stopwatch
Node Rules
ruleID: RequiredNodeInput RequiredProperties: Identifier
Input Pins
pinId: ActionStart dataType: execute
pinId: Identifier dataType: identifier
Editor Settings
Output Pins
pinId: ActionComplete dataType: execute
Editor Settings
Node Category: Stopwatches
Last updated