Discord Message Article Template

An article template to copy into a Discord message that follows similar Markdown formatting that TSG Forge Wiki uses.

If you want to submit content to the TSG Forge Wiki, but would prefer to just be able to write down information with a very low level of entry and still see it published on the wiki, you can write an article with good formatting within a discord message or text file and post it on the Wiki Discussion forum on the TSG Discord server.

It will then be evaluated and published on the wiki by a volunteer wiki moderator. Keep in mind that as this process is more complex than merging pull requests, it will take longer for wiki moderators to get the content to the wiki. In order to make the process as smooth for both parties, we've created this message template that should be used for these Discord forum posts.

Message template

This message template should be copied into a text editor where it is worked on until it's ready to submit to the Wiki Discussion forum.

# Article Topic Here

Shortly describe the topic in this description field and what the main purpose
of the thing being discussed is.

Give a brief explanation of the topic that the article is about. What is the purpose of the thing and what kind of adjustments can be done to it. Keep it short, as the sections below should be used for further explanation.

[Cover image]

Temporary section for general notes about the article; write down things quickly that you want to write about so you can easily recall them later. Delete this section when the article is finished:


## First heading 1 title

Write about a branch of the main topic. This section title will show up on the sidebar on the right.

### Sub-heading 2 title

Write about a sub-section of the topic above. This section title will show up on the sidebar on the right.

[image1] [image2]

More text here about the topic.

**Sub-heading 3 title**

Write about an even more specific topic of the sub-topic above. This section title will _not_ show up on the sidebar on the right.

## Second heading 1 title

Write about another branch of the main topic.

This formatting is not 100% identical to the formatting on a wiki article as Discord displays some of the Markdown formatting differently, but it's close enough where wiki moderators can easily copy and paste the text to the relevant fields for a wiki article.

Discord Markdown formatting doesn't display an "h4" title (#### Title name) so it's substituted with bolded (**Title Name**) formatting instead. It should be stated after the article which images correspond to which [image] fields in the message so there's less figuring out for the wiki moderators on where to position the images.

Information not worthy of a full article

For information that doesn't need it's own article and could instead be added to an existing article as a sub-section, the same message template can be used, but with a few modifications.

Instead of submitting a message or text file with the entire message template, you can cut out the information before your sub-section and submit it like that. Just be sure to mention to which article it would be an addition to.

So for example your submission could start at:

## Second heading 1 title

Write about another branch of the main topic.



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