Slipspace Arena
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Slipspace Arena was originally designed for Halo 5, with the original iteration being called Fury and having been concepted by Nitro and built out by him and other members of the Forge team Creative Force.
Game Modes: Slipspace Arena PVP Slipspace Arena PVE (releasing when the PVE example level is complete)
Players spawn in a different arena per round.
Rounds are short so that many arenas are played in a single match.
This can be used for PVP and PVE designs.
This was originally concepted for 1v1 and 2v2 PVP gameplay in Halo 5.
Each arena can be set up with different gameplay options, such as modifying player loadouts and traits per arena, or going as far as to have objective modes or PVE experiences with multiple phases built in each arena, or even further and mixing PVP and PVE experiences on the same level in separate arenas.
The default PVP experience is 2 minute rounds, first to 15 kills per round.
It is intended that each round goes all the way to the clock running out rather than ending early from score-based win conditions in Slayer experiences.
9 arenas
Each arena has it's own spawn regions and script brain boundary set up already.
Each arena has a script brain (with a boundary) and 2 spawn regions.
The boundaries of these 3 objects must cover the entire area of the playable space in that arena.
Each arena has spawns for Teams or FFA (4 player) play set up already.
Note: While the primary design is for 1v1/2v2 and 4 player FFA matches, these arenas could easily be made larger and have more spawns added. For instance, this can be used to build PVE or PVPVE arenas instead; a "boss fight" per arena to create a boss rush mode would be easy to accomplish by adding code to the script brain for each area to define those encounters.
On Player Spawned
An event stub for applying code to players that spawn in the arena this brain's code is for.
This is effectively an example of how to add arena-specific events.
By default, the Branch in this circuit is set to FALSE.
DO NOT set it to TRUE, or this will trigger regardless of where they spawn
To activate, connect the unused output of Object Is In Area to the Condition pin of the Branch node and it will only affect players that spawn inside this brain's boundary.
Enable/Disable Stage Custom Events
These are called by the Central Logic brain
All they do is check to see if the brain selected by the Central Logic is the brain the code is on, then spawn or despawn the spawn region objects for the relevant arena.
These should not be edited.
The Central Logic is in an arrangement of Script Brains above an Invisible Switch.
Includes a version of tsg init.
Object List Declarations for stages
and stages_resetList
The order only matters if you aren't using the random sequence.
This only needs edited if you are:
Changing the order of stages when not using the random sequence
Adding or removing stages
is used to reset stages
when stages
becomes empty.
Boolean Declarations for randomSequence
and allowRepeats
Control if the sequence is random and if it can repeat arenas before having gone through each one be setting the initial values of these declarations to the relevant TRUE/FALSE values for your needs.
This is here to prevent players from attempting to spawn before there are available spawn points at the beginning of a match, which would spawn them at the level's backup spawn points instead of inside the current arena.
This is the first half of the logic that picks which stage to activate.
Each round, all of the arenas are deactivated and a single arena is selected to be reactivated for that round.
and setSpawns_random
The second half of the logic that sets the active stage
So that no stage is picked twice when random order is enabled, stage brains are removed from the list when their arena becomes active.
When stages
is empty, a second list that has its original objects is used to refill it so that the sequence can start over.
Captain Punch Okom MikRips
to activate and remove from the list, resetting the list when it's empty.