tsg lootCaves

Documentation about the features and usage of the tsg lootCaves prefab.

tsg lootCaves is a recreation of the hackable "Loot Caves" in the dev-made BTB map Fragmentation. The prefab includes instances of the tsg hackSwitch prefab, which are used to open the loot cave doors. This guide focuses only on the loot cave door portion of the entity.

Bookmark the prefab with the filter link here or find the prefab through the in-game UGC browser by searching with keywords or tags.


A showcase of the loot cave door features and how they are triggered.

Door opening

If closed (red, locked), the doors of the loot cave can only be opened in two ways:

  • From a completed hack trigger

  • From the inside of the loot cave by a player, vehicle or an AI

If open (blue, unlocked), the doors can be kept open indefinitely by having a player, vehicle or an AI next to them within the specified boundary.

Hack trigger

The loot caves in the prefab are configured to listen to the hackCompleteEvent trigger from a specific hack switch. If the trigger is received, the doors connected to that loot cave will play the door opening sequence.

Inside the loot cave

A door can be opened from the inside of a loot cave regardless of it being locker or unlocked, but technically only if the cubical trigger volume of the door is entered from the inside half. The inside half is the object forward vector which is the direction of the X axis (red arrow).

Door closing and locking

A door will automatically close and lock (red) with a short delay after the blue door has closed if a player, vehicle or AI unit doesn't enter the cubical trigger volume within that time.


Modifyable parts of the loot cave prefab to better suit your map.

To adjust hack switch related variables like the hack time or cooldown time, refer to the tsg hackSwitch documentation.

Door opener location

In order to reliably play the opening animation of the unlocked (blue) door even when a player is not nearby, a vehicle is spawned within the cubical trigger volume of the door. For this purpose, a cloned Mongoose is used that is temporarily spawned underneath the door by default.

If this default location causes trouble on your map such as a Mongoose spawning in geometry and producing loud collision sounds, the location where the vehicle spawns can be adjusted by moving the Projectile Blocker 1x1x1 elsewhere within the cubical trigger volume of the door.

Adding or Removing Parts

Modularity is a large part of this prefab and the steps to adjusting the door- or loot cave amount are simple:

Removing doors

To remove a door from a loot cave you must:

Adding doors

To add a door to a loot cave you must:

Removing loot caves

To remove a loot cave you must:

Adding loot caves

To add a loot cave you need to:


Mongoose with no Object Reference

The way a Mongoose is spawned without an object reference to a Mongoose is by making a random player spawn in a Mongoose on round start, kicking them out, moving the spawned Mongoose to a stasis storage location and moving the player to the Mongoose's original spawn location at the spawn point. This all happens instantly and doesn't affect gameplay.

Credit for this concept goes to Cookies from the TSG Discord https://discord.com/channels/220766496635224065/952263098734084136/1279935990563082344

The idea

From Okom, the prefab creator:

I had the idea to recreate the Fragmentation loot caves in Forge already in late December 2022, and it was my first scripting project in Halo Infinite. My question post about it in the TSG Discord is here: https://discord.com/channels/220766496635224065/1057368234464120983/1057368234464120983

Limited by Forge's capabilities at the time and mostly by my scripting knowledge, I didn't get very far efficiently, but still got a working loot cave! – with some bugs. Now attempting the project again nearly two years after and I'm glad about how it turned out with how close to the original, and how efficiently I was able to make it.



Last updated