Basic Folder Structure

Examples of a basic folder structure to use on Halo Infinite Forge maps.

The folder structure doesn't have to be overly complicated to work efficiently. Below are some examples of basic folder structures that experienced forgers have come up with, and are tuned to work for the common object groups in a Forge map. A basic folder structure is useful for categorizing objects into large categories that still differentiate them enough to be understandable.

Cover image


The advantages to having a basic folder structure are:

  • Fast to set up

  • Easy to understand

  • Easier to get forgers to use it who are unfamiliar or against using the Folders tab

  • Less budget usage, as every folder takes up Forge Simulation Memory. This is only really an issue on maps that are nearing 100% Forge Simulation Memory and really need to scrape the bottom of the optimization barrel to botch together the map being just under the forging budget limits.


The disadvantages to having a basic folder structure are:

  • Some objects will not be organized to descriptive enough folders

  • Selecting specific groups of objects is more difficult as objects from multiple categories may be in the same folder

  • It may take longer to find specific objects due to multiple objects of different types being in the same folder


Examples of basic folder structures used by experienced forgers:


  • 00 Blockout

  • 01 Sandbox

    • Gamemodes

    • Lighting

    • Misc.

    • Nav Mesh

    • Spawns

    • Vehicles

    • Volumes

    • Weapons Equipment

  • 02 Scripts

  • 03 Containment

  • 04 Art


  • Art

  • Blockers

  • Blockout

  • Dynamic

  • Emissives

  • Gameplay


Okom MikRips timmyforges

Last updated