Topics about all the official modes in Halo Infinite and how to set them up in the Forge tool.
The Modes section focuses on all the official base modes in Halo Infinite, their gameplay loops, and how to set them up in Forge. Setting up modes in Halo Infinite's Forge is easy compared to earlier Halo titles as they can all be set up in the same Forge session just by placing objects and configuring their properties correctly.
It's rare to have a map support all official modes as they can eat up the available budget on a map rather quickly, if there are a lot of dynamic objects used in the mode setup. Usually a map should be designed for a single hero mode and then some extra mode support can be added as padding.
Modes in a separate level
Infection, Firefight:King of The Hill and Big Team Battle Heavies are usually not included in the mode setup of the base level file as these are either very expensive to setup or alterations to the geometry of the map are wanted for the gamemode, so it's easier to make a copy of the base level file for each variant.
Creating a separate copy of the level intended for a single gamemode allows the forger more creative freedom for adjusting the gameplay of the map just for that mode. It also helps communicate to players that the map has support for that mode, if players would be to search up the name of the map in the Customs Browser.
Learn more about
Capture The Flag
King of the Hill
Land Grab
Total Control
Big Team Battle Heavies
Last updated