The Blender2Forger Printer (B2FP) allows you to build your maps in Blender, and "Print" them into Halo Infinite Forge via input macros.
Below are some Frequently Asked Questions you can read before you have to ask anyone else!
How do I build a Halo Infinite Forge map in Blender?
The concept is simple: Download any version of Blender at or after 3.5, use the assets from our asset library to build whatever map you want, and then Export your .blend file with our custom Exporter plugin. You can then give the Bot the exported file from Blender, and let it print your map in Forge just as you built it in Blender!
Do I have to credit the Bot or developers of the Bot for maps I make with the tool?
No. We welcome anyone who wants to share that they used our tool to build their map, but no one will ever be required to give credit to the bot or its creators. You built the map, not us.
Do I have to pay for this Bot?
A: Absolutely not, and there exists no future where any functionality or features of this tool will require you to spend money. This Bot is a passion project for a game we love, not a tool made to generate income.
Why should I use this Bot?
Forge is not always cooperative. It is prone to crashing, bugs, failing to save, lagging, and a huge issue for some: Forge is always online. The object manipulation controls in Forge are not always comfortable to use, and menus are often difficult to navigate. Forge makes some incredibly difficult things easy, but likewise makes some pretty simple tasks harder than necessary... Things that other tools like Blender are very good at... and Blender is not always online.
Remaking maps from other games in Blender for Halo Infinite with this method is also way easier since you can "trace" the map geometry with forge assets and then print it into Halo Infinite.
How do I know it is safe for my computer to run this software?
We can assure you the program is safe to run. This project is fully open source, thus all of the source code is openly available for you to read. You can view the code on our Github before downloading it, or by going through the files in the "Main" folder in the source code download.
I have no experience in Blender, is it hard to use Blender to build a Forge map?
Using Blender to build a Forge map is easier than using Blender for other tasks. There is no need to use subdividing, insetting, or many of the more complicated Blender utilities. You place objects down, give them scale, position, and rotation, and you're done. The amount of menus and options can be daunting, but you will rarely use many of them for this tool.
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