tsg ai totems and kill tokens

Track information about AI units and reference it after death. Example code spawns tokens per enemy type at death location that players can pick up.

Current File

tsg ai totem and kill token kit v1


This is a subset of the boilerplate code provided by the tsg init prefab.

If this is being used alongside an install of tsg init, this code should be deleted.

tsg init is explained in detail here: tsg init


Variable Declaration

  • mobTotems - Object List Variable, Global

    • Objects with label User: Mike are added to this list at declaration.

  • totemOwners - Object List Variable, Global

    • Holds the list of entities that have totems assigned to them.

  • assignedTotems - Object List Variable, Global

    • Holds the list of totems that are currently assigned to entities.

  • cooldownTotems - Object List Variable, Global

    • Holds the list of totems that are on cooldown, which prevents them from being assigned.

  • totemOwner - Object Variable, Object

    • Stores a reference to the entity a totem is assigned to.

    • Is scoped to the totem owned by that entity.

Poll Totems and Check Totem Owner Status

  • For each Totem, check if totemOwner is a valid object

  • If false, that AI is no longer alive/in the simulation

    • Remove Totem from assignedTotems

    • Add Totem to cooldownTotems

    • Call ownerDied to process the death of the current Totem's owner

Update Totem Ownership

  • Clean up totemOwners list

    • For each AI Unit, remove from totemOwners

    • For each assigned Totem, add totemOwner to totemOwners

  • For each AI Unit not in totemOwners...

    • Assign the first unassigned Totem that is not in cooldownTotems to the current unit

    • Assign the current unit as it's Totem's totemOwner

    • Add the current Totem to assignedTotems

State Monitoring

  • Call checkTotemOwnership

  • For each assigned Totem, set Totem location to offset from it's owner

    • Adjust offset with Vector 3 node

Handle Totem Losing Ownership

  • Call processOwnerDeath

  • Wait N Seconds to keep Totem data available

  • Delete and spawn Totem to reset Totem data

  • Remove Totem from cooldownTotems so that it can be used again

Kill Tokens

Variable Declaration

  • killTokens - Object List Variable, Global

    • Objects that are created to drop from dead units are added to this list when they are created.

  • activeKillTokens - Object List Variable, Global

    • Kill Tokens that are in play and haven't been picked up are added to this list.

    • This list is not relevant to Gunball Machine Tokens.

  • playerInventory - Number Variable, Object

    • The value that is adjusted to represent how many Kill Tokens a player has acquired.

  • killTokenValue - Number Variable, Object

    • The number of Kill Tokens that an unit is configured to drop.

    • This value defaults to 1 and can be augmented during Totem config or any time between then and the unit's death

Totem Configuration

  • Toggle event via adjusting hard-coded Branch node

  • In this example, the Totem owner is examined and the value of killTokenValue is set based on their Character Type using a switch case

Distribute Kill Tokens on Owner Death

  • For killTokenValue iterations...

    • Add the input Totem's position, plus offset, to v3Queue

    • Wait 0.1 Seconds

    • Call gunball to generate a Kill Token

Handle Kill Token Reset (Recursive Loop)

  • Check to see if Totem is in activeKillTokens or if time has run out

    • If true, remove the Totem from activeKillTokens and delete it

    • If false, call resetTokenLoop with the input number value minus 1

Poll Active Kill Tokens and Player Locations to Handle Token Pick Up

  • For each active Kill Token...

    • For each Player (all players)

      • Get current Player distance from current Kill Token

      • Check if distance < 8 units

      • If true, remove Kill Token from activeKillTokens, delete it, and increment playerInventory for current Player, and call tokenPU* event

* screenshot says 'motePU' instead of 'tokenPU'

Handle Players Dropping Kill Tokens on Death

  • Call tokenDrop when a Player is killed

  • For playerInventory * X (where X is a 0-1 scalar to modify the magnitude) iterations...

    • Add the player's location, plus offset, to v3Queue

  • Wait 0.1 seconds

  • Call gunball

  • Set current player's playerInventory to 0

Gunball Machine

Clean Up Excess Kill Tokens and Prevent Token Pick Up as Weapon

  • Sometimes the Gunball Machine makes extra Tokens

    • When tokens fall into the boundary, they are excess that wont get assigned, delete them

  • Tokens shouldn't be picked up as weapons

    • On Token pickup, force dropping that Token

Generate Tokens

  • Preload Gunball Machine at gameplayInit

    • Give turret a weapon (Generic Ball or Skull)

  • On gunball

    • For input Iterations...

      • Wait 0.1 seconds

      • Give turret a weapon

      • Wait 0 seconds

      • Force turret to drop weapon

  • On Weapon Dropped

    • Check if dropping unit is Gunball Machine (turret)

      • If true, add the dropped weapon to killTokens

      • Wait 0.1 seconds

      • Call sendIt and pass the dropped weapon

Put Generated Kill Tokens into Play

  • Add current Token to activeTokens

  • Set current Token to random rotation

  • Set current Token position to Index 1 of v3Queue

  • Update v3Queue to remove that entry

  • Set current Token velocity to random (in ranges) upward and sideways velocity to produce fountain effect

  • Call resetTokenLoop for current Token


Captain Punch

Last updated